André Piazza entrevista Helena Escalante, uma apaixonada por livros! Nascida e criada na Cidade do México, vive com seu marido espanhol nos Estados Unidos há mais de uma década. Consultora e mentora de pequenas empresas, ocupa a posição de Empreendedora-Residente (Entrepreneur-in-Residence – EIR) na Biblioteca Pública de Nova Iorque. Bloga diariamente no site, no qual atraiu ampla audiência em mais de 120 países com dicas que permitem a qualquer pessoa assimilar um livro em menos de 5 minutos, e colocar a sua sabedoria imediatamente em prática.
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A Leitura de 150 Livros por Ano e o Desejo de Compartilhar o que Aprendo
Helena, o que lhe inspirou a empreender? When I started my business, I quickly realized that I was very good at my trade (multicultural marketing and communications, translation, international relations, etc.) but I lacked the knowledge to run a business on a daily basis. Accounting? Ugh! Bureaucratic paperwork to be filed? Double ugh! Leading people? Gotcha – that one I actually liked! But wanted to make sure I was the best I could be for the wonderful people with whom I worked. I found some fantastic and super knowledgeable mentors, but I needed more help, sometimes very specific, and I needed it fast. I started reading business and personal development books and blogs as a way to help myself and my business, and business books became my mentors. I fell in love with them and now I read about 150 books per year. I started sharing what I had learned with friends and colleagues, and soon I realized that the ideas from the books were very valuable to them too. That’s when I decided to start a blog to be able to share those wonderful ideas with more people all over the world.
Qual é a sua maior competência / expertise? Connecting people and resources.
Baseado na sua competência / expertise: o que o público empreendedor não sabe, mas deveria saber?
- People respond to how you treat them you treat them with respect and as responsible adults and they will respond as such, if you treat them as little children, incapable of doing things and not trustworthy, they will respond as such too.
- People are always acting the best they can with the tools and knowledge they have at their disposal at that moment. It’s important to be empathetic and put yourself in your shoes to understand where they’re coming from.
Como surgiu o seu blog A few years ago I put a book recommendation up on my Facebook page. A couple of years after that, a friend of mine sent me a message to “thank” me. I had forgotten by then about the book recommendation. She said that when I posted it, my words immediately spoke to her. She went to the store, bought the book, and read it immediately. As a consequence, she quit her job, went back to school to get a Master’s degree, and was now working in her dream job. I was blown away! It was all her work and her merit, but that exemplifies the power of an idea that resonates. And that whole story was the spark that then led me to create my blog. I’m a true believer in the power of ideas to expand our minds and change our lives for the better!
Qual o seu momento mais difícil como empreendedor(a)? Years ago I was working on a project for a client that was a wonderful person. I went on a long weekend vacation and had an accident, and thus fell behind on the project. Since I liked my client so much, I did not want to cause any anxiety or inconvenience, and did not tell the client what happened, thinking that I would still be able to deliver on time. I couldn’t deliver on time and I was mortified. I learned a big lesson which is to tell the client immediately if something happens that will delay the delivery of a project.
Como você superou essa dificuldade? ALWAYS be upfront and tell the client if something goes wrong that will delay the delivery.
Como você transformou a idéia em um empreendimento real? As I mentioned, I am an avid reader and devour lots of business books. I did not want to create another site for book reviews or another “me too” project. By sharing one idea per day that can be read in under 5 minutes, I have been able to create something that is interesting, appealing and worthy of my readers’ time.
'I'm a true believer in the power of ideas to expand our minds and change our lives for the better!' por @HelenaEscalante @EntreGurus #EmpreendedorismoFeminino #EntreGurus Twittar
Jogo Rápido com uma Blogueira e Empreendedora-Residente nos EUA
- Helena, qual a dica mais valiosa que você já recebeu? Put yourself in the other’s shoes.
- Qual hábito pessoal e diário que mais contribuiu para o seu sucesso? The pomodoro technique.
- O que você como empreendedor(a) não pode viver sem? My laptop.
- Quem é a pessoa que você utilizou como modelo ou inspiração ao longo da sua trajetória? Conte mais sobre essa pessoa. I have lots of role models that inspire me, but there are 2 on a daily basis that I’m always emulating: my mom and my husband. My mom, because she is always well, no matter what. She can deal with a horrible day and still has a smile and a beautiful thing to say. And my husband because he is incredibly dedicated, focused, disciplined and lightning-fast to get things done.
- Dica de app, ferramenta ou recurso online para empreendedores (ex: Google Drive) e por quê. Google Suite – all tools in one place to make business life easier.
- Dica de Livro *ou* Filme/Seriado *ou* Podcast para nosso público empreendedor e por quê. The Art of Possibility: Transforming Professional and Personal Life by Rosamund Stone Zander and Benjamin Zander — because it enlightens the reader with new perspectives and enables us to dwell in possibility.
- Hoje, pelo que você é mais entusiasmada? Qual a sua grande motivação para seguir empreendendo? The growth and expansion of my podcast, and the wonderful opportunities that it brings me along, such as speaking professionally to corporate and non-profit audiences, teaching audiences how to blog, and more. My goal is to help the readers expand their minds for their benefit and the benefit of the people that surround them. If I can change just one life for the better, I will be happy and consider it a success.
'Put yourself in the other's shoes.' por @HelenaEscalante @EntreGurus #EmpreendedorismoFeminino #EntreGurus #Empatia Twittar
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de Sabedoria e Inspiração para Empreender
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Congratulations Helena! Impressive body of work, engagement, and accolades! Happy to be part of your journey with Entregurus.
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An honor and a pleasure to have you as our guest, Helena! It was fun, and our audience was delighted! Anyone that speaks either Portuguese or Spanish will be able to follow, and that is a fantastic accomplishment for a podcast episode. Thank you Helena for your generosity in sharing your experience with all of us!